APS (A Perfect Swing) … Learn the Fundamentals of DOWN, UNDER & UP with Our Help.
Daniel R. Shauger, APS..A Perfect Swing, we provide golf training that gives you "A Perfect Swing." This allows you to gain precise control and dramatically increase the distance of your swing. This is not the PGA or LIV Golf Swing you're are learning from Daniel with his A Perfect Swing, we are completely different from Whole Golf World. Daniels is the only Master Pro, everybody else are Instructor's of his New Golf Swing. Daniel studied over 150 golf books, and decided to use only two other golf pros in his New Golf Swing. This book is Daniels second book, that he wrote. Myself Elaine Shauger interviewed Mike Austin, I ask him come you don't give Daniel all the steps to the throwing the right arm movement with twirling of the right wrist movement. Austin said Daniel is a smart man he will get it, so that told me that Austin wanted to die with his golf swing, because the PGA did not pick Mike Austins golf swing. Daniel knows how to do Mike Austin golf swing. But could not put into words. The throwing the right arm movement with twirling of the right wrist movement. So Daniel he had to go back to the golf course and studied the of throwing the right arm movement with twirling of the right wrist movement. It took several months and one day Daniel came to myself Elaine Shauger, Daniel said to me that new how to put into words. Daniel added more parts to the new golf swing. How to "KILL" the Ball is his second book, and has more chapters. And you have to understand this book is in Daniels words not Austin words in the book on the throwing the right arm movement with twirling of the right wrist movement. Thats why Daniel Shauger is the Master of his New Golf Swing. Because it works and we call it the DOWN, UNDER & UP. Elaine needs to set the record straight to all golfer's this is how it went down. There three golf pros, in his book Shauger, Austin and Hogan in the making of book How to "KILL" the Ball Book his second book back in 1/01/2000.
(( I'm going to prove a point to the PGA and LIV Golfers, Look at Daniels picture see he already hit the golf ball, see his right hand going UNDER the shaft in golf swing.
If this was PGA and LIV your right hand would be on top of the shaft in your golf swing))
"We are completely different from the whole golf world."
Elaine M. Shauger 8/22/2022
A Golf Book Like No Other
January 24, 2007
- Reviewer: Dr. SE GREEN, Australia
How to Kill the Ball
March 9, 2007
“Really helps understand some important aspects of the Mike Austin swing.”
- Reviewer: Gaines E. Bruce, Knoxville, TN
The Only Way to Play Golf!
February 8, 2007
- Reviewer: Michael Tillison “Michael”, Colorado